A lovely family day trip with an objective to simply drive from Bridgwater in the Exmoor direction and stop for a walk and a picnic when we got hungry! We packed our lunch, waterproofs, boots and camera of course and jumped in the car! I gave myself a 50mm challenge (limiting myself to one lens with a focal range of 50mm). On one hand it's a challenge as you'll see things that you'll want to capture that's at a distance and also going to Exmoor you'd think a wide angle for landscapes would be top of the list but actually, shooting wide open at f/1.2 for the majority of shots gave me a rekindled love for this weapon of a lens. I love this focal range and need to use it more often rather than just relying on the really great zoom lenses we have (like the 24-70 f/2.8 mk2) as it does mak you look for the shots and work for the shots more.

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