The Bridgwater War Memorial is the work of John Angel, FRBS and was unveiled on September 25th, 1924.
The central figure represents Civilisation, seated as a Queen upon a throne. One her lap, the Book of Law is upheld by two crouching guardian angels. The wings on her back form a canopy providing shelter to the small groups representing Labour, Education and in the centre, the Home. New life growing out of old is represented by the butterfly emerging from a chrysalis and a spray of mistletoe emerges from within laurels.
With her left hand she bids attention by its upraised gesture and in her right she holds an orb in the shape of the world. To show that peace reigns in the world, the four corners are represented by four small figures which are in turn suppported by doves holding a single band which connects east to west: the whole world bound to together in one brotherhood. Under her feet, writhe Bloodshed, Corruption, Dispair ands Strife.
The names of the fallen are given in raised bronze letters which rest on a pedestral of Devonshire granite in the form of four crosses in one. (information taken from the 2019 Order of Service)
The central figure represents Civilisation, seated as a Queen upon a throne. One her lap, the Book of Law is upheld by two crouching guardian angels. The wings on her back form a canopy providing shelter to the small groups representing Labour, Education and in the centre, the Home. New life growing out of old is represented by the butterfly emerging from a chrysalis and a spray of mistletoe emerges from within laurels.
With her left hand she bids attention by its upraised gesture and in her right she holds an orb in the shape of the world. To show that peace reigns in the world, the four corners are represented by four small figures which are in turn suppported by doves holding a single band which connects east to west: the whole world bound to together in one brotherhood. Under her feet, writhe Bloodshed, Corruption, Dispair ands Strife.
The names of the fallen are given in raised bronze letters which rest on a pedestral of Devonshire granite in the form of four crosses in one. (information taken from the 2019 Order of Service)
You can read more here.

They shall not grow old,
As we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down the sun
And in the morning,
We will remember them.

Copyright Justin Krause Photography. If you have any enquiries or for publishing please use the form below.
We Will Remember Them.
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